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Changes between Version 29 and Version 30 of Scripting and Plugins

Jan 2, 2015, 1:34:46 AM (9 years ago)

Update Perl details to reflect windows changes in 2.10.12


  • Scripting and Plugins

    v29 v30  
    5757Check if your Pidgin binary includes Perl support (Help -> Build Information).
    59 You must also have a compatible Perl runtime installed. On Windows, that is Perl 5.10, and as of April 2013, we require [ ActivePerl] or [ Strawberry Perl] 5.10.x. Newer versions of Perl, such as the [bug:14966#comment:8 current Strawberry Perl 5.16.3, do not work at the moment]. If you're running 64-bit Windows, make sure that you install the 32-bit version of Perl; Pidgin is a 32-bit application on Windows.
     59You must also have a compatible Perl runtime installed. Perl micro versions are not backward compatible, so you need to use a matching "y" component in the x.y.z version string.
     61On Windows:
     62 * You can get a compatible Perl runtime from [ Strawberry Perl]
     63 * You'll need to use the 32-bit version of Perl since Pidgin is a 32-bit application
     64 * Make sure the Perl installation's `bin` directory is in your `PATH`
     65 * For Pidgin 2.10.12 and newer, you need Perl 5.20.z
     66 * For Pidgin <= 2.10.11, you need Perl 5.10.z
    6168First, download the test Perl plugin from the [/doxygen/2.5.2/html/perl-howto.html Perl Scripting HOWTO page] in `~/.purple/plugins`. Restart Pidgin and see if the plugin appears in the list as "Perl Test Plugin". If not, open the Debug window from the Help menu, and open the plugin list again. You should see if Pidgin picks up the plugin from the proper directory, and any errors while loading it.
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